Posts tagged: chocolate pound cake

Top 10 Most Shared Recipes

Top 10 Most Shared Recipes Every now and again I like to look through the analytics and see what you guys have been loving, sharing, and tweeting the most of. I thought it would be fun to round-up those posts into a 10 best for all to see. So, without further adieu here are the 10 most loved and shared recipes from you all. 

Double Chocolate Pound Cake

Double Chocolate Pound Cake Yes, you read that correctly. This is a double-chocolate pound cake... Chocolate is the ultimate pick-me-up in my opinion. Whether the weather outside is crummy, you've had a hard day at work, or you've got a case of the Mondays, a little bit of chocolate can go a long way to lifting your spirits. At the very least it will remind you that there are still good things in this world!