Turkey & Ham

Maple Glazed Spiral Sliced Ham
We take heritage breed pork and dry brine it with sea salt, spices and herbs. After a nice long bath to kee...
Free Range Whole Smoked Turkey
Let us do all the hard work this holiday season.  We'll send you the best birds out there, smoked to perfec...
Homemade Turkey Gravy
The smells of this in your kitchen when you're heating it up are reason enough to buy this.  But, if you ne...
Smoked Free Range Turkey Breast
Great turkey starts with great birds.  We use free range, hormone, and antibiotic-free turkeys in our one-y...
Smoked Turkey Wings
You know what's better than sitting around with friends or family? Doing it with a plate of smoked turkey w...
*NEW ITEM* Creamy Corn Pudding
 Let's be real for a moment, okay?  No one is coming to the table this holiday season wanting to eat a big ...
*Holiday ONLY* Herbed Apple Pecan Cornbread Stuffing
The best part of stuffing you ask?  The crunchy bits, DUH!  We've made a whole pan of crunchy bits by makin...
*HOLIDAY ONLY* Candied Sweet Potato Casserole
A holiday special only available for a short time! Just like mom used to make, but better.  Pureed sweet po...
Homemade Cranberry Sauce with Orange Zest
Forget the stuff in a can.  This is the GOOD stuff.  Done the right way.  Slow simmered cranberries with su...
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How does my order come? 

Your order will ship in a cooler with enough dry ice to reach you safely

How should I store my items before I need them?

You can keep your items in the fridge for up to 3 weeks, or in the freezer for up to 3 months.  We recommend only cooking your turkey and ham from a thawed state, so be sure and allow at least 24 hours in the fridge or 4-6 hours in a cool water bath to fully thaw your meats. 

So, these are already cooked?

Yep!  We do all the hard work for you, so all you need to do is reheat and eat!

Help!  I lost my reheating instructions!

Download our reheating instructions here (turkey and ham towards the end!)


Reheating and Cooking Information
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